Kennedy Building - KenGap Holdings Inc.
North Bay coworking space filling pandemic-created need
15 Dec 2021
Taking up one entire floor of the building, KennedyWorks encompasses six offices, a boardroom, a small kitchen, and a shared waiting area, along with access to a shared bathroom. The offices range in size from 96 square feet to 202 square feet, with the 259-square-foot boardroom able to seat six around the table comfortably. Offices can be rented by the day, the week, or the month. Though some coworking spaces are set up as open-concept rooms where clients intermingle and network freely, each office at KennedyWorks is a private space with a locked door, so clients can come and go freely throughout their stay without worrying about anyone else accessing the space.
More good News
Kennedy commercial centre 80% occupied
25 Feb 1995
Less than twelve months after KenGap Holdings Inc. of North Bay acquired the former Trust Building at McIntyre & Fraser Street occupancy has doubled from 40% to 80%. Renovations in excess of $1.3 million have already been completed to upgrade the building to a Class A standard, including state-of-the art digitally controlled heating, ventalation and fire protection systems. This past summer, an additional 80 parking spaces were created by the razing of the Empire Bowling Alley: a neighbouring property has since been acquired in anticipation of

Landmark building sold, slated for changes
07 Jan 1994
KENGAP Holdings, a partnership between Kennedy Insurance Brokers and GAP construction, has purchased the Kennedy office building on the corner of Fraser and McIntyre streets. The purchase included the adjacent building, former home of the Empire Bowling Alley, which will be razed to create a parking area.
Developer wants to turn empty building into offices
24 Feb 1990
Previously home to a bowling alley Fraser Street building could one day provide needed office space for Ministry of Community and Social Services employees who work in building a next door. A Barrie real estate developer has architectural plans ready but says he's growing tired of waiting for the government to make a decision.

Empire Bowl sold for office space
19 Aug 1985
The Empire Bowl establishment on Fraser St. is being sold to Hermiston Properties Ltd. for use as office space. Ray Bubel who put the deal together for Hermiston Properties Lts. said the company is looking at eventually joining the Empire Bowling building with the Canada Trust building and making it into a $10 million shopping and office complex in keeping with the downtown rehabilitation plan.
Pinewood town house
18 Feb 1967
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: Cafeteria and Table Service - 140 Seating Capacity. Open Daily 7am to 10pm. Your Pinewood Town House Restaurant is located in the Northland Trust Building - Corner McIntyre and Fraser

Northern trust firm opens N. Bay Office
07 Nov 1966
Richard Smith, MPP for Nipissing, cuts the gold ribbon to officially open the fifth branch office of Northland Trust Company. The opening of the North Bay branch office of Northland Trust Company. The opening of the North Bay branch took place Saturday at the new Northland trust Building, Fraser and McIntyre Sts.
The Brightest Glow in North Bay’s Business Community
05 Nov 1966
Partnership - Well Wishes
Central Welding & Iron Works
Masonry by Nopper Construction Limited
Precast Tank and Vault Co.LTD
Ontario Electric Construction Co.
Cochrane Dunlop Hardware LTD.
Stan-don Supply Co.LTD
H. Allaire & Sons
Northland Glass and Metal
Willis Plumbing and Heating LTD
Boulanger and Tremblay Construction and Supply LTD

a house divided
18 Aug 1966
...but very much together...our real estate office in one building and the insurance in another. Our staff have been patient and so have our customers. About September 15 we hope to be in our new house. When we are, we will be able to serve you better than ever. Kennedy Agencies LTD. still at 382 Fraser St. But moving about September 15 to the Northland Trust Building.
The bright shine of business
10 Aug 1966
Lights glow from all the windows of the five-storey Northland Trust Building on Fraser at McIntyre Sts. as interior work speeds ahead. Some tenants have already taken occupancy. The high-rise structure is considered to be the most modern and impressive business building in the entire Metropolitan North Bay Area. This picture was taken at dead of night.

The Northland trust building
30 May 1966
The Northland Trust Building in downtown North Bay will house important offices in its five-storey space. It is the biggest office building to be constructed here.
Building for tomorrow
a revolution in office accommodation
22 Dec 1965
Northland Trust Building
The owners express their confidence in the North in developing this project. Relatively as exciting as the Toronto Dominion Centre in Toronto or Place Ville Marie in Montreal, it is unlikely that another building in such a vital location will be built for many yeats…those who secure space will surely benefit from the owner’s foresight.

North Bay firm gets phase “B” building award
21 Aug 1965
Boulanger and Trembly Construction and Supply Co.Ltd,. North Bay, has been awarded the general contract for Phase “B” of a five-storey office building at Fraser and McIntyre Sts.
Big north bay building job has plenty of "supervision"
19 July 1965
It’s a crater in North Bay! What the little boys and the girls and the men are looking at is the excavation at the Corner of Fraser and McIntyre Sts., where a high-rise office building is under construction. Sidewalk superintendents-all sizes, ages and both sexes-have been lining the wooden barrier during the past weeks observing the work of piledrivers as the foundation is prepared for the five-storey building. The huge business complex will cost in excess of $1,000,000.

Metro Civic Comment
16 July 1965
Looking for something different to do on a muggy afternoon off? Nip over to the corner of McIntyre and Fraser Sts. where you’ll get an eyeful of construction activity on a big scale. Since Wednesday, the centre of attraction has been a pile-driving for the huge five-storey, $1,000,000 edifice. When completed there will be parking space for some 35 cars in the basement of the new office complex.
High city building ok’d
To proceed with 5-storey block on McIntyre St
5 Jul 1965
Construction of a million-dollar-plus high-rise office building in North Bay has been approved by Ontario Municipal Board. Mayor Cecil Hewitt said the board’s approval came in a letter to the city today, and also covered a proposed $425,00 five-storey medical clinic.

Award contract, hope building will rise to five-storey height
11 Jun 1965
A contract for initial work on a $1,000,000 business block in downtown North Bay has been awarded to W.A. McDougall Construction Co., it was announced today. The building will be located at the corner of McIntyre and Fraser Sts.
Hope to proceed with large business block
01 Jun 1965
A group of city businessmen is hopeful of commencing construction on a $1,000,000, five-storey business block at the corner of McIntyre and Fraser Sts. almost immediately.

Now slated to be 5 storeys high, new office building to start April 1
7 Jan 1965
Since the announcement in The Nugget several weeks ago that a modern office building would be constructed at the corner of Fraser and McIntyre Sts., a decision has been made to increase the height of the structure from three to five storeys. The architect’s model reveals how the edifice will look.It will incorporate all the most-desired features of modern office space. It will be air-conditioned throughout, finished with acoustic ceilings, tinted windows, and recessed lighting. Other features will include mail chutes, two elevators, caretaker service, and basement and above-ground parking. Several offices in the building will be occupied by nationally and internationally-known companies.
Plan $750,00 Building at Fraser - McIntyre
18 Aug 1964
One of North Bay’s old downtown corners will get a new look, with the construction of a $750,000 office building at the northwest corner of Fraser and McIntyre Sts., starting next April. The largest rental building in the city, it will incorporate 60,000 square feet in a brick and stone structure of the modern design. Tendered in February, the project is expected to be completed in December 1965.